
  My dementia?
      by Fahd Arshad

Monday, March 01, 2004

The Atkins diet - and others that limit carbohydrates - are likely to put you in a bad mood, research has found.

Isn't it amazing how good eating habits are so hard to maintain, and yet along comes a guy who says, eat as much bacon as you want (exaggeration), and people just refuse to let go, no matter what other doctors, and the not-so-common common sense, says?

Let's talk in simplistic terms. It takes more energy (a tad bit) to digest meats than bread. Fine. Most people find meat more filling than bread. Fine. So here's a proposed diet: reduce refined, starchy foods (read bread) and increase protien uptake (chicken, turkey?). As it is, refined carbs are mostly a human creation, not a natural one. There's nothing wrong with substituting that morning bagel with fruit, or cereal with milk.

But when someone tells you to eat saturated fat, yes, saturated fat, as up to a fifth of your diet, shouldn't that set off all sorts of alarms ringing?

Cliches have the annoying habit of being true. You can not in fact have your cake and eat it, no matter what anyone else says. It's time to lay this myth to rest.


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