US Elections
The Democrats have won control of the House, and have at least half of the Senate at this point. I cheered them on, but they must not forget that they came to power in large part due to the voters' repudiation of the Bush-Republican Congress's policies. We can argue whether it was Iraq, corruption, Social Security, medical care, or (in my dreams) human rights violations, within and without the country. However, the fact remains that the American voters want something to change, and it's not the economy, stupid!
Democrats will do well not to forget this "mandate". Some of their election time antics were down-right stupid. They took polarizing positions just for their own sake. I don't need to tell them that good governance is still appreciated, whereas a juvenile attitude of "since you did that, I'll do this" will not be appreciated by anyone but the very extreme left wing. That's not who voted them in. America's middle did. Think about the huge problems facing us, both as Americans and citizens of Earth, instead of just "reacting".